Thursday, March 14, 2019

Eliminate employment discrimination in all sectors, including discrimination in public services

Joint Press Statement by 5 Civil Society Organisations, March 13, 2019

5 civil society organisations urge the government to comprehensively eliminate employment discrimination in all economic sectors, rather than selectively eliminating discrimination in specific areas. This should include discriminatory practice in public services.

We support the statement of Minister in the Prime Minister’s Department, Waytha moorty, who vowed to eliminate employment discrimination in the private sector, that "Malaysia should not have any form of discrimination.... I hope that employers will focus on uniting all ethnic groups through employment, because this will maximize our workforce."

But we would like to remind Waytha Moorthy that the government is the largest Malaysian employer which hires 1.7 million employees, which is 10% of the current 16 million labor force in the country. Eliminating employment discrimination by excluding the public service sector will raise doubts about selective justice. The current composition of public services and top civil servants completely fail to reflect the demographic of Malaysia.

Wednesday, March 13, 2019



五公民团体促请政府全面消除我国各领域的就业歧视(Employment discrimination),而非选择性的消除特定领域的歧视现象。消除就业歧视的政策必须在所有雇佣关系上一并执行,包括公共服务与私人界的雇佣关系。

