Friday, June 7, 2019


** 群议社是一个由知识分子、写作人和社会行动者组成的松散网络。我们的目标是通过批判性的分析和倡议,立基于民主和良好治理的原则,打造一个民主进步的马来西亚。更多资料请浏览

Restore Local Elections, Not Racial Fear

Agora Society Statement on 12 December 2018
Agora Society is disappointed at the statement made by the current Prime Minister Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad at a local government event for insisting there would be no reinstatement of local elections under the Pakatan Harapan (PH) government. Local elections formed an integral component of Malaysia’s democracy until it was unceremoniously suspended in the 1965 and formally abolished with the passing of Local Government Act in 1976. By abolishing local elections, Malaysians are essentially being denied the right to vote for its local councillors which contradicts the principle of democracy. Therefore, Agora Society is of the view that local elections should be restored as soon as possible.
The Prime Minister reasoned that local elections may produce the wrong result which will create a division between urban and rural local councils. Firstly, Agora Society wishes to emphasize that a political mandate coming from a free and fair local elections would only lead to a democratic result which is certainly not wrong in any manner. In fact, local councillors that are elected through local elections would have more political legitimacy and accountability towards its voters unlike the appointed councillors Malaysia currently has now.
Also, the suggestion of an impending racial conflict due to local elections is baseless and could be easily refuted. Since 2008, Malaysians have had witnessed a change of state governments numerous times without descending to racial violence and the change of federal government from the most recent General Election further exemplifies Malaysian’s propensity towards accepting any election results without resorting to physical violence.
The newly appointed Deputy Minister of International Trade and MP of Bangi YB Ong Kian Ming has also correctly pointed out that the ethnic composition of urban city councils have changed significantly through an article dated 2015. For example, the 2010 census data shows that the Malay population (45.9%) within Kuala Lumpur City Hall is more than the Chinese population (43.2%). The Deputy Minister even proclaimed that out of the 3 city halls, 9 city councils and 37 municipal councils in Malaysia, only 6 have populations where the Chinese outnumber the Malays. This gives further credence to the argument that local elections might not produce an outcome where Chinese would occupy most of the local council seats in urban areas.
Agora Society was also aware that at the same event, the Prime Minister has also warned the local authorities not to simply abuse its power and even uttering the famous phrase 'power tends to corrupt, absolute power corrupts absolutely'. However, the local authorities in Malaysia would always be more susceptible to instances of corruption and abuse of power so long as local councillors are appointed by state government. The appointment system falls short of checking the decisions made by the local government as the only entity
that the local councillors are only accountable to are the governing parties of the state government. Therefore, if the Prime Minister is sincere in preventing corruption and abuse of power, he should immediately restore Malaysian’s long abandoned ‘third vote’.
Furthermore, Agora Society is also dismayed by the fact that strong advocates of local elections prior to the last General Election has seemingly turned a deaf ear or feeling indifferent towards the Prime Minister latest announcement. For instance, the aforementioned article written by YB Ong Kian Ming was actually a rebuttal towards Hadi Awang who has expressed similar racial concerns towards having local elections in Malaysia in 2015.
Other than that, the current Minister of Finance also had a history of trying to restore local elections through judiciary means when he was still the Chief Minister of Penang. In fact, the former Chief Minister of Penang used to explain that the state government is powerless to unilaterally push for local elections as long as the Local Government Act 1976 is not amended. Thus, with the change of federal government, PH has ran out of pretexts and advocates of local elections acting lukewarm towards this issue now is wholly unacceptable.
Equally, the Housing and Local Government Minister has also said that local elections will be implemented in 3 years. To sum up, there is no shortage of people in the PH’s cabinet that are supportive of the idea of reinstating local elections. Agora Society is concerned that the current Cabinet would bear no difference to the previous BN’s cabinet if the Prime Minister’s views are deemed to be final and not properly challenged within the cabinet or by the government backbenchers in the Parliament.
Finally, Agora Society also opposed to the idea that restoration of local elections to be deferred indefinitely because it was not stated as one of the promises from PH’s Manifesto. Agora Society ought to remind the PH government again such excuses are at best naive and at worst disingenuous. PH’s Manifesto has explicitly stated that Pakatan Harapan is committed to strengthen local democracy and the PBT’s accountability to the local community will be improved, and only by reinstating local elections where the local governments in Malaysia would have any semblance of local democracy and a certain degree of accountability. Therefore, until there is a proper local election in place, Malaysia will continue to have a local government that is not by the people or of the people.
Agora Society Malaysia
*Agora Society Malaysia is a loose network of individuals who believe in the principles of democracy and good governance. More information please visit or

联合文告: 促请州政府恢复龟咯岛国家公园之地位,并承诺极力保护此湿地和其他国家公园

我等支持联署的非政府组织特此呼吁柔佛州务大臣 - 奥斯曼和柔佛州行政委员会立即恢复龟咯岛国家公园的地位。我们也要求大臣和所有行政议员承诺,不会再有任何柔佛境内的国家公园被撤除其地位,如Endau-Rompin Peta,Endau-Rompin Selai,Tanjung Piai,Gunung Ledang,Taman Laut Sultan Iskandar和 Sungai Pulai拉姆萨尔湿地。
这些国家公园是我们自然遗产的一部分,保护它们即是保留了生态系统的多样性,将其保留给本国与世人后代。 一旦失去这些国家公园,当中丰富的动植物将会灭绝,它们是无价的。龟咯岛是马来西亚7个拉姆萨尔(Ramsar)湿地之一。这意味着马来西亚是“湿地公约” (称为“拉姆萨尔公约”)的“缔约方”。这是一项政府间的条约,旨在为保护和善用湿地及其资源提供了规范。
湿地为我们提供水源,它们保护我们免受洪水、干旱和其他灾害的侵害,并为全球数百万人提供食物和生计。 龟咯岛是一个完整保留的红树林岛屿,这在马来西亚是极为罕见的。相比沿海或河畔的红树林,东南亚的红树林岛屿因经济发展而更为频密地消失。柔佛州政府有责任确保这些自然遗产受到法律的保护,任何商业发展都不应侵犯其边界。在未征询民意下撤除这些土地的国家公园地位或剥夺其受保护地位等同于背叛人民对州政府的信任。
1 群议社Agora Society Malaysia
2 Aliran
3 当今峇南Baramkini
4 Center for Orang Asli Concerns (COAC)
5 Center to Combat Corruption & Cronyism (C4)
6 Childline Malaysia
7 Eden Welfare Charity Society
9 Friends of Penang Botanic Gardens
10 GEMA Johor
11 Grassroots
12 Green Earth Society
13 Himpunan Hijau
14 IKRAM Negeri Johor
15 Institut Kesedaran Rakyat (IKR)
16 International Women's Peace Group (IWPG) Malaysia
17 Jobada Johor
18 Johor People's Action Group (JPAG)
19 柔南黄色行动小组Johor Yellow Flame (JYF)
20 隆雪华堂KL and Selangor Chinese Assembly Hall (KLSCAH)
21 Kluang Bersih
23 LLG Cultural Development Centre
24 Malacca Johor Diocese Catholic Lawyers Guild
25 Monitoring Sustainability of Globalisation
26 改变砂拉越运动Movement for Change, Sarawak (MoCS)
27 Muslim Professionals Forum (MPF)
28 PEKA Malaysia
29 Penang Forum
30 Penang Heritage Trust
31 People Ideas Culture
32 Perak Heritage Society
33 Persatuan Aktivis Sahabat Alam (KUASA)
34 Persatuan Sahabat Wanita Selangor
35 Pertubuhan Alam Sekitar Sejahtera Malaysia (GRASS Malaysia)
36 Pertubuhan Kasih dan Sokongan (Anbum AaTharavumAAa) Johor
37 Pusat KOMAS
38 人民之声Sahabat Rakyat
39 Sam Addams
40 Saya Anak Bangsa Malaysia (SABM)
41 Selamatkan Kuala Lumpur (SKL)
42 人民之友Suara Rakyat Malaysia (SUARAM)
43 Sustainable Development Network M'sia (SUSDEN M'sia)
44 Tamil Foundation
45 赵明福民主基金会Teoh Beng Hock Trust for Democracy
46 Toy Libraries Malaysia
47 United Chinese School Alumni Associations of Malaysia (UCSAAM)
48 UUM Progressive Front

Kenyataan Akhbar Bersama: Memelihara PULAU KUKUP DAN SEMUA TAMAN NEGARA untuk generasi masa depan!

Kenyataan Akhbar Bersama, 9 Disember 2018
Kami, Pertubuhan Bukan Kerajaan (NGO) yang bertandatangan di bawah ini, menyeru Yang Berhormat Menteri Besar Johor, Dato'Osman Sapian dan Majlis Eksekutif Johor, membalikkan dengan segera pewartaan tentang pembatalan status Pulau Kukup sebagai Taman Negara dan memulihkan statusnya.
Kami juga mahukan Menteri Besar dan Exconya supaya memberikan akurjanji yang ikhlas iaitu tidak akan ada lagi pembatalan status taman-taman negara lain di Johor seperti Endau-Rompin Peta, Endau-Rompin Selai, Tanjung Piai, Gunung Ledang, Taman Laut Sultan Iskandar dan tapak Ramsar Sungai Pulai.
Taman-taman negara ini adalah sebahagian daripada warisan semulajadi kita dan pelindungan taman tersebut mengekalkan kepelbagaian ekosistem untuk dinikmati generasi masa depan kita, baik dari dalam dan luar negara. Kehilangan flora dan fauna kaya yang terdapat di taman negara ini tidak dapat dipulihkan dan oleh itu adalah sangat ternilai.
Pulau Kukup adalah tapak Ramsar (salah satu daripada 7 tapak Ramsar di Malaysia), yang bermaksud bahawa Malaysia adalah “Pihak Berjanji" kepada Konvensyen Mengenai Tanah Lembap (disebut Konvensyen Ramsar). Perjanjian antara kerajaan ini menyediakan rangka kerja pemuliharaan dan pemanfaatan tanah basah dan sumbernya.
Tanah lembap ini menyediakan air, melindungi kita dari banjir, kemarau dan bencana lain, pada masa yang sama menyediakan makanan dan mata pencarian kepada berjuta-juta manusia di seluruh dunia. Pulau Kukup merupakan contoh unik pulau bakau asli yang jarang terdapat di Malaysia. Di Asia Tenggara, kehilangan pulau-pulau bakau lebih kerap berlaku atas nama pembangunan berbanding dengan bakau pantai atau sungai.
Kerajaan Negeri Johor mempunyai kewajipan untuk memastikan warisan semulajadi ini dilindungi oleh undang-undang dan tidak ada pembangunan komersil yang melampaui sempadan mereka. Membatalkan status tanah-tanah pelindungan ini adalah mengkhianati amanah rakyat letak pada Kerajaan Negeri.
Kami sokong usul yang diluluskan oleh Dewan Undangan Negeri Johor pada 6 Disember, 2018, bagi Kerajaan Negeri mengkaji semula pewartaan mengenai pembatalan status Taman Negara Pulau Kukup ini.
Kami yakin semakan dan pembalikan pembatalan akan disambut dengan baik oleh semua rakyat Johor dan Malaysia.
Kami berharap MB dan Exco Negeri akan belajar daripada episod malang ini bahawa mereka perlu merujuk kepada semua pihak berkepentingan, menjadi lebih telus dan bertanggungjawab sebelum melaksanakan sebarang dasar utama. Laporan penuh mengenai kejadian yang membawa kepada pembatalan status Taman Negara Pulau Kukup patut didedahkan kepada orang awan. Dalam lanskap politik baru selepas PRU14, rakyat Malaysia mempunyai harapan yang lebih tinggi untuk kerajaan Pakatan Harapan untuk menjadi lebih konsultatif dan responsif kepada isu kebimbangan rakyat.
Kenyataan di atas diiktiraf secara keseluruhannya oleh pertubuhan-pertubuhan masyarakat sivil yang berikut:
1 Agora Society Malaysia
2 Aliran
3 Baramkini
4 Center for Orang Asli Concerns (COAC)
5 Center to Combat Corruption & Cronyism (C4)
6 Childline Malaysia
7 Eden Welfare Charity Society
9 Friends of Penang Botanic Gardens
10 GEMA Johor
11 Grassroots
12 Green Earth Society
13 Himpunan Hijau
14 IKRAM Negeri Johor
15 Institut Kesedaran Rakyat (IKR)
16 International Women's Peace Group (IWPG) Malaysia
17 Jobada Johor
18 Johor People's Action Group (JPAG)
19 Johor Yellow Flame (JYF)
20 KL and Selangor Chinese Assembly Hall (KLSCAH)
21 Kluang Bersih
23 LLG Cultural Development Centre
24 Malacca Johor Diocese Catholic Lawyers Guild
25 Monitoring Sustainability of Globalisation
26 Movement for Change, Sarawak (MoCS)
27 Muslim Professionals Forum (MPF)
28 PEKA Malaysia
29 Penang Forum
30 Penang Heritage Trust
31 People Ideas Culture
32 Perak Heritage Society
33 Persatuan Aktivis Sahabat Alam (KUASA)
34 Persatuan Sahabat Wanita Selangor
35 Pertubuhan Alam Sekitar Sejahtera Malaysia (GRASS Malaysia)
36 Pertubuhan Kasih dan Sokongan (Anbum AaTharavumAAa) Johor
37 Pusat KOMAS
38 Sahabat Rakyat
39 Sam Addams
40 Saya Anak Bangsa Malaysia (SABM)
41 Selamatkan Kuala Lumpur (SKL)
42 Suara Rakyat Malaysia (SUARAM)
43 Sustainable Development Network M'sia (SUSDEN M'sia)
44 Tamil Foundation
45 Teoh Beng Hock Trust for Democracy
46 Toy Libraries Malaysia
47 United Chinese School Alumni Associations of Malaysia (UCSAAM)
48 UUM Progressive Front


民主社会必须循法而治,默许人治超越法治,乃蔑视民主法治下“经同意的统治”(governed by consent)的原则。任何政策的制订或修改必须经过民选代表在议会审议讨论,再通过政府执行政策。摒除这个程序民主的任何做法,都违背人民的集体意志。
雪兰莪州宪法第LV(1), (1A)和(2)条文清楚阐明,苏丹必须根据州行政议会的劝告采取行动,除了几个情况下苏丹才有酌处权:委任州务大臣、拒绝解散州议会、要求皇室会议讨论关于苏丹的特别地位或宗教仪式、与作为伊斯兰首长或马来人民俗有关的事务、委任皇室继承人、授勋及嘉奖制度或保养皇宫事务。显而易见,州宪法不允许苏丹直接介入州或地方政府事务。(Undang-Undang Tubuh Kerajaan Selangor 1959, 文告附带截文)
群议社强调,各方必须尊重地方政府的自主性,包括其制定的多元语文政策。无论是州政府、联邦政府或君主都不应任意干涉地方政府的决策。若其它民选或非民选机构对地方政府政策有所微言,它们或可通过正式管道与地方政府磋商,或上法庭挑战地方政府的决定, 由司法权来解决争论。
雪州苏丹下令拆除莎阿南市议会安置的双语路牌,实际上触及君主是否逾越宪赋权限的问题。不久前柔佛州苏丹批评柔佛依斯干达公主城市议员陈伟健使用双语公函, 警告该议员若做不好就辞职,也是君主介入政治的现象。
** 群议社是一个由知识分子、写作人和社会行动者组成的松散网络。我们的目标是通过批判性的分析和倡议,立基于民主和良好治理的原则,打造一个民主进步的马来西亚。更多资料请浏览

The Monarchs should stay above politics

Press Statement by Agora Society on 22 Nov 2018 in Kuala Lumpur
The Agora Society views with grave concern the recent trend in which sultans of the various states are increasingly involved in political affairs. Not only does it go against the role of the Malay rulers as the ceremonial figurehead under constitutional monarchy, it also undermines the fundamental spirit of democracy.
Given that a democratic society is one that is based on the rule of law, to acquiesce in the rule of man is to make a travesty of the principle of governed by consent under a democratic system. All policies and their amendments ought to be subject to deliberation and debate by elected lawmakers in the legislature before they can be implemented by the government. Any act that trivializes this democratic process runs counter to the collective will of the people.
We are of the opinion that the sultans are entitled to comment on government policies, but their views can only be acted upon after they have been reviewed and approved by the legislature or the government. Since independence, this democratic process has long been strictly adhered to at the federal and state levels, as manifest perfectly in the parliamentary debate on the Agung’s speech and the state assembly debate on the Sultan’s speech.
The article LV(1), (1A) and (2) of the Selangor State Constitution state crystal clear that the Sultan “shall act in accordance with the advice of the Executive Council”, except for several situations in which the Sultan is given discretionary power, including the appointment of a menteri besar, refusal to dissolve the state assembly, request for the Council of the Royal Court to deliberate on the special position of the Sultan or religious ceremonies, issues pertaining to the Sultan as the head of Islam or Malay customs, appointment of an heir to the throne, awarding of honours and dignities, as well as the maintenance of the royal palaces. Quite clearly, the state constitution does not provide for the Sultan to interfere directly in state or local government affairs.
It is precisely because we treasure the monarchs as the symbol of national unity that we consider it of paramount importance that they should stay above politics and avoid being drawn into conflicts over partisan interests. The monarchs should also maintain a neutral position that transcends all kinds of disputes so as to steer clear of even the smallest political mistake, for there is no better way to safeguard the reputation of the monarchs.
The decree by the Sultan of Selangor to remove the bilingual road signs in Shah Alam, the state capital, has indeed raised the issue as to whether the monarch has acted beyond constitutional jurisdiction. Recently, the Sultan of Johor also reprimanded Chan Wei Kjhan, an Iskandar Puteri local councillor, for issuing a bilingual letter. The Sultan’s warning that the said councillor should resign if he could not perform well represents another example of royal interference in politics.
The Agora Society would like to emphasise that every party should respect the autonomy of all the local authorities, including the multilingual policies that they have enacted. Be it the state government, federal government or the monarchs, none of them should interfere arbitrarily in the decisions made by local councils. Should any of the elected or non-elected institutions be dissatisfied with a certain local policy, they may seek to address it via the official channel by discussing with the local authorities, or challenge the said local policy in a judicial court and let the judiciary resolve the dispute.
Agora Society
Agora Society is a loose network of intellectuals, writers and activists who advance democratic progress in Malaysia through critical analyses and propositions based on the principles of democracy and good governance. Please visit our page at or for more information

Reform requires not just proper politicians but proper institutions as well

Agora Society's Statement on 7 June 2019
(photo credit:
Agora Society is ready to give goodwill to whoever is appointed to helm key public institution, especially when the person is determined to reform Malaysia, and has a proven track record of performing his/her duty professionally, impartially and without fear or favour. Latheefa Koya, who is appointed as the new chief Commissioner of Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) generally fits the bill.
However, the process of her appointment, though it might be lawful as it is the prerogative of Prime Minister, lacks transparency and accountability. The Prime Minister himself has even conceded that the decision of appointing our new Chief of MACC is his alone.
Lest the government forgets, they were widely viewed as having taken Putrajaya on the slew of institutional reforms which they vehemently promised. Promise no. 14 of the manifesto has stated that the ‘appointment of these Commissioners must be validated democratically by Parliament.’ Other than that, promise no. 16 also spelled out that ‘key national positions such as appointments to the Human Rights Commission, Election Commission of Malaysia, the Malaysian Anti- Corruption Commission, and Judicial Appointments Commission must be approved by a suitable parliamentary committee. This will reduce the ability of the Prime Minister to intervene in these important appointments.’
We understood that the Parliamentary Select Committee (PSC) on major public appointments is set up mainly for such purpose, and it was rather unfortunate that PSC was not even notified, never mind consulted. As it stands, the appointment of key official is still very much the same and we are worry about how much power are still in the hands of the Prime Minister without any check and balance. The new government should also be reminded by the fact that the previous government met its demise partly because of absolute power wielded by the previous Prime Minister which leads to a series of corruptible practices.
Furthermore, it is undeniable that the Prime Minister is appointing a MACC chief which was tainted by political partisanship, and it is a political appointment in any sense. Would the new MACC chief be courageous enough to investigate any of the Pakatan Harapan politicians - or even Mahathir himself – she is ostensibly associated with. Having said that, Latheefa would also alleged with political biasness if she chose to show leniency towards any politicians she favours, regardless if it is a correct or wrong call. Equally, investigating politicians that Latheefa has previously shown misgivings might give the public the impression of political revenge. To sum up, whoever was seen as a political appointee in key institution proves to be political divisive and lacks public legitimacy.
The role of the Major Public Appointments committee entails that any key public institutions’ candidates should be reviewed and vetted by the committee itself to ensure a check on executive appointments by the legislative. If the new government has no intention of allowing the committee to fulfil his task, we Malaysians should rightly wonder and question why the committee was created at the first place.
Also, if the government is committed about reform, they need to show their political will by going through the legislative process to amend the process of selecting and scrutinizing candidates to be more transparent and accountable. For example, the opinions of the committee and subsequently Parliament should be taken into account so that such appointment could command the confidence of the executive, parliament and the public. However, what the latest episode has shown was that the selection process was a unilateral decision made the Prime Minister himself.
As the saying goes, actions always speak louder than words. While we are heartened by the fact that the new MACC chief has proven to be a fighter against political corruption and a tireless human rights activist, yet we should equally be reserved until she has indeed performed well with the position she was appointed. Malaysia has been let down by many false dawns who had done so in the past, thus it is only logical the echoes of praises should be withheld for now.
If we could take one lesson from the previous General Elections, it is that Malaysians should no longer believe in rule of man, instead democratic institutions should be reformed, enhanced and protected to ensure no politicians could hold political power that was beyond his/her mandate. ‘Benevolent ruler’ politics is a thing of the past and as long as power corrupts, institutions must be always in place to check the power of the executives. Thus, it is imperative to urge the Pakatan Harapan to be serious in honouring the promises in the manifesto, especially those concerning institutional reforms to ensure proper check and balance among the 3 branches of power. Appointing 'good persons' alone by whip and fancy through the decision of Prime Minister alone might generate 'feel-good' factor only on to a narrow section of the public – especially those that are associated with the appointee. Yet a MACC chief should be accountable to all Malaysians and such appointment does not generate public confidence and it does not conceal the fact that such flawed appointment process harkens back to the days of BN where the Prime Minister’s authority and power is unchallengeable.

Agora Society
Agora Society is a loose network of intellectuals, writers and activists who advance democratic progress in Malaysia through critical analyses and propositions based on the principles of democracy and good governance. Please visit our page at or for more information