Sunday, November 3, 2019

莫當學術自由掘墓人 華團不應該自我審查




這些事例,有者因外力介入萌生變數,有者因自保而漠視公民憲賦權利,雖然情節不一,但同樣都是自我審查、屈從壓力的結果。惟十年前後,除了民主素養滯後,遺憾的是,還自設言論禁區,舉凡遇到中港臺議題,仿如驚「共」之鳥,已是華團逐底競爭(race to the bottom)的常態。無論民族情緒使然,或集體利益計算,華團的自主性依然搖搖欲墜,與平日面對馬來西亞政府時的道德勇氣與堅持,實不可同日而語。


群议社Agora Society

世界級的大學 需要世界級的校長

群議社強烈譴責馬來亞大學所犯下的怯懦行為,學運人士黄彦铬抗議促請馬大校長阿都拉欣(Abdul Rahim Hashim)引咎辭職,而馬大就此單一抗議事件報警。我們認為此類性質的抗議並不值得報警,它只會危及馬大至今殘存的任何善意或良好聲譽。










群議社 Agora Society

A World Class University Needs a World Class Vice Chancellor

Agora Society strongly condemn the cowardice act perpetrated by University Malaya (UM) for lodging a police report against student activist Wong Yan Ke. The police report was made in light of a solo protest by Yan Ke calling for the resignation of the varsity’s vice-chancellor, Datuk Abdul Rahim Hashim. A protest of such nature certainly does not merit a police report, but it would only serve to jeopardize whatever goodwill or reputation that UM still had left. Agora Society is gravely disappointed that the once great education institution had since resorted to the police to help investigate its own student for expressing his views about the vice-chancellor. It is to our view that UM, as being the most prominent university in Malaysia, does not deserve to be associated with values such as open-mindedness and professionalism which are ironically on full display in their official website.

According to news report, UM has cited Yan Ke’s one-man protest has disrespected the protocol and running of the ceremony. But video evidence has suggested that Yan Ke’s action did not disrupt the ceremony but merely startled a part of the crowd. And as opposed to what UM has alleged, the ceremony at that day ended peacefully and grievances were only shown after the ceremony and among certain sections of the crowd. This does not in any way disrupt the flow of the event that day. Therefore, Yan Ke did not in any way disrespect the ceremony, but it has inadvertently ruffled a few feathers of those powers-to-be in UM. If UM is unable to tolerate criticism and dissent from a lonesome student, then it is debatable that UM could truly live up to its ideals of being an internationally renowned institution of higher learning in research, innovation, publication and teaching.

Agora Society also strongly disagree with the fact that Yan Ke’s action has tarnished the reputation of UM as alleged by the latter. Yan Ke’s defence for a more tolerant UM and Malaysia should be applauded instead and a reputable University should instead defend any student with progressive stance like Yan Ke. The only move we have seen that is tarnishing the UM’s reputation currently is the police report made against a recalcitrant student and defending a purportedly racist Vice Chancellor.

Furthermore, UM has since followed up its police reports by barring another fellow student and associate of Yan Ke, Edan Kon Hua En from attending his convocation ceremony for fear of disrupting public order. Edan has promised that he would not be protesting or displaying placard but to no avail. Agora Society question the need for such harsh actions for denying a student his finest moment in University when he himself has promised there would be no protest during the ceremony. Subsequently, Yan Ke is also worried that he might not be receiving his transcript for openly defying the Vice Chancellor. Given that UM’s recent attitude towards dissent and Yan Ke’s transcript has been mysteriously smudged and experiencing printing difficulties in publication, the graduate’s worry is not unfounded and Agora Society want to remind UM not to engage in personal and petty revenge for denying a fellow young graduate’s four years of achievement.

The PH government’s response has been equally damning as they were calling for academic freedom and a more tolerant Malaysia during the last general election, yet they were nowhere to be seen in this whole incident. It is also disappointing that the police have since taken action by summoning Yan Ke for further investigation.

It is undisputedly clear that what Datuk Abdul Rahim Hashim has uttered recently is not befitting in the so called ‘New Malaysia’ and his views should be rebuked and challenged. Criticism against UM and the call for the resignation of the Vice Chancellor stemming from civil society and public has since risen and Agora Society are unequivocally supportive of it. We also wish to send solidarity to all the students who harbour the same view as Yan Ke. Lastly, we remind UM that university is a place embraces diverse and though-provoking ideologies and debate them professionally and rationally. Leaderships dictating how an institution will go, university not excluded. Thus, we urge UM to withdraw its unnecessary police report if it still harbours any intention of defending academic freedom and the reputation of UM.

Agora Society Malaysia

Kenyataan 929 Agora Society “Bersolidariti dengan Hong Kong, Tolak Totalitarianisme”

(Kenyataan berikutnya dibaca oleh ahli Agora Kenneth Cheng Chee Kin pada pukul 7.18 mlm, di tempak letak kereta awam berdekatan dengan KLSCAH)

Salam Sejahtera and Salam Demokrasi. Atas jemputan penganjur, saya mewakili NGO Agora Society untuk memberi sepatah kata tentang demonstrasi 29th September Malaysia Bersolidariti dengan Hong Kong. Pertama sekali, saya ingin mengucapkan ribuan terima kasih kepada semua yang hadir meskipun ada tekanan sosial dari pihak tertentu.

Dalam tempoh tiga bulan ini, kita telah menyaksikan keberanian dan keteguhan penduduk Hong Kong menurun ke jalan raya berturut-turut untuk membela hak kebebasan mereka. Protes ini dicetuskan kerana penduduk Hong Kong tidak berpuas hati dengan kerajaan Hong Kong untuk meluluskan satu rang undang-undang yang akan membenarkan ekstradisi dari Hong Kong ke Tanah Besar China. Ini adalah kerana undang-undang Hong Kong adalah
sangat berbeza daripada Tanah Besar China, penduduk Hong Kong menyifat tindakan ini telah menjejaskan prinsip “satu negara, dua system” yang dijanji oleh Kerajaan People’s Republic of China pada tahun 1997. Jadi pada mulanya, penduduk Hong Kong hanya semata-mata menuntut agar rang undang undang itu dibatalkan.

Namun demikian, oleh sebab tuntutan tersebut, penduduk Hong Kong telah mengalami pelbagai salah laku polis seperti keganasan polis. Polis Hong Kong juga disyaki bekerjasama dengan kongsi gelap untuk memburukkan imej penduduk Hong Kong yang terus menuntut dan mempertahankan hak mereka. Kita merayu agar pihak polis di Hong Kong berhenti dengan semua salah laku dan meminta kerajaan Hong Kong bermula dialog dengan pihak tertentu untuk bekerjasama dan mencari jalan penyelesaian.
Saya juga ingin mengambil peluang ini untuk merakamkan perhargaan kepada penduduk Hong Kong yang masih percaya pada prinsip kebebasan, demokrasi dan kerajaan yang bertanggungjawab (‘accountable’), terutamanya mereka pernah memberi sokongan kepada warga Malaysia. Penduduk Hong Kong telah memberi solidariti waktu kita menuntut pilihan raya yang lebih bersih melalui protes di jalan raya pada masa itu. Semua prinsip yang saya sebut tadi sepatutnya tidak mengira kaum, agama dan kewarganegaraan dan inilah sebab utama kita yang memegang prinsip yang sama dengan penduduk Hong Kong berhimpun di sini untuk memberi sokongan dan solidariti kepada penduduk Hong Kong.
Terima Kasih!






抗議隆雪華堂報警自保 籲虛心檢討接受公評


這項集會乃本國民間團體自發響應「香港反對《逃犯條例》修訂草案運動」(反送中運動),原訂在隆雪華堂門外空地舉行的活動,並非隆雪華堂號召或主辦,也不在隆雪華堂範圍內進行。據媒體報導,隆雪華堂執行長李書禎以該會租戶、訪客的人身安全和財務保障爲由,於928日主動前往班登英達(Pandan Indah)警局報案,並聲明這場活動與隆雪華堂無關。



群議社(Agora Society
業餘者 Amateur
北大前進陣線(SPF UUM




群議社對於當今大馬記者吳湘怡近日遭企業發展部長禮端種族定性”(racial profiling)一事感到震驚。


事後,禮端將訪問視頻放上其官方臉書,并加了部長驚訝有華裔記者不知道馬來西亞憲法”(“Menteri terkejut” ada wartawan Bangsa Cina Tak tahu pelembagaan Malaysia)的標題,行為舉止有違其部長的身份。





群议社Agora Society

Stop racial-profiling and intimidating journalists

Press Statement by Agora Society on 27 August 2019 in Kuala Lumpur

The Agora Society is appalled at the racial profiling of Ng Xiangyi, a Malaysiakini journalist, by the Entrepreneur Development Minister Mohd Redzuan bin Md Yusof, in recent days.

Ms. Ng was asking the minister to elaborate on his previous claims that “the Malays have compromised too much” at a public event on 19th of August. Instead of addressing the question, Redzuan replied by asking the journalist if she knew of the Malaysian Constitution and Rukunegara. Ms. Ng replied that she is aware of the constitution and Rukunegara and kept probing for the minister’s comments on the issue raised, however, Redzuan abruptly and arrogantly concluded that she "doesn’t know".

Later, Redzuan uploaded a video clip of the exchange on his official Facebook page with a caption that reads "Minister surprised at a Chinese reporter's ignorance of the Malaysian Constitution" ("Menteri terkejut" ada wartawan Bangsa Cina Tak tahu pelembagaan Malaysia), an act that is unbecoming of his position as a minister.

Being an office-bearer, Redzuan should adhere to the principles of professionalism, impartiality, responsibility and openness, especially when faced with the Fourth Estate, ie. the media. He ought to answer the question in an unbiased manner without taking into account the questioner's religious, gender or ethnic background.

By deliberately highlighting the ethnicity of the Malaysiakini journalist with a view to divert the attention and secondly, intimidating Ms. Ng through reinforcing the stereotypes about other ethnic groups, the Pribumi party leader has completely deviated from the code of conduct that is expected of a minister. Agora therefore condemns in no uncertain terms his behaviour as such.

It goes without saying that a yardstick for democratic evaluation is whether media operators are able to carry out their duties without any harassment, ie. inquiring, questioning and even challenging the powers-that-be, without fear or favour. Malaysia under the Barisan Nasional government had been plagued by complex political, religious and ethnic structures that exerted enormous pressures on media workers, as a seemingly harmless news report could be easily turned into a racial or religious issue by irresponsible parties.

As Liew Chin Tong, the deputy defence minister, has said, Malaysians after the so-called regime change should be entitled to exercise an unbridled yet responsible press freedom. Yet, Pakatan Harapan has not been practicing what they preached and chose to keep intact a series of arbitrary laws bequeathed by Barisan Nasional, Pribumi leaders - from Mahathir Mohamad downwards - have even made statements that border on bigotry and racism at times, giving rise to the increasingly popular perception that the Malay party bears a striking resemblance to UMNO.

Redzuan's recent conduct towards the Malaysiakini reporter - who is of Chinese origin - has set a disgraceful example, as a result of which other media workers may begin to experience psychological pressures or even practise self-censorship when covering "sensitive" issues, thereby affecting the quality of Malaysia’s news.

In closing, the Agora Society strongly demands that the Pakatan Harapan government take Redzuan's lack of decorum seriously and prescribe disciplinary actions commensurate therewith, so that other politicians would not take a leaf from him.

We also urge other civil society organizations and the general public to shoulder together with us the task of monitoring the conduct of politicians, government and opposition alike, for we believe a strong civil society is the best way to check and balance against political forces in the country.

Agora Society Malaysia


对于警方上周日(2019年8月17日)在关丹举行的反莱纳斯集会而传召五人的举动,群议社深感失望和不满。这五人为:彭亨州士满慕州议员李健聪、德伦敦州议员沈春祥、拯救大马委员会(Save Malaysia! Stop Lynas!)召集人陈文德、法律顾问韩启竝和秘书徐盛鹏。





再者,主办单位也已充分配合及遵守2012年和平集会法令,在18天以前就知会警方,比法令所要求的10天还多了8天,可谓诚意十足。尽管如此,警方竟指这五人没有在集会5天之前向关丹市议会(MPK)取得使用Taman Gelora公园的准证。


同时,群议社也要质问国阵特别是马华公会,对此事的立场。既然关丹市议会由国阵掌控,没理由不批准主办单位使用Taman Gelora公园,除非市议会想打压政治异议,并且支持更新莱纳斯营运执照。若是如此,我们不得不质疑马华批评希盟立场反复的诚意,毕竟他们和希盟一样言行不一。


群议社忠告希盟:希盟能在选举赢得支持,得以执政,源头在于公众积极热忱响应当时在野党的一系列政治集会,尽管当时可能招致国阵政府逮捕。修正后的和平集会法令并非完美,惟至少在捍卫集会权利方面有所改善。但这样的调查行动无疑让马来西亚人对希盟政府的改革意愿产生疑问。如果政府继续把本身的无能及不愿奋力兑现选举承诺的表现归咎于前朝,同时在政治上搞小动作(petty politicking),只会引发更强烈的政治反弹。

群议社Agora Society

PH Government Should Immediately Stop Stifling Political Dissent

Press Statement by Agora Society on 22 August 2019 in Kuala Lumpur
Agora Society is deeply disappointed and frustrated at the summoning of five persons by the police for organizing and attending the anti-Lynas rally held in Kuantan last Sunday (17th August 2019). The decision of calling up both Pahang state assemblyperson Lee Chean Chung, Sim Chon Siang, Save Malaysia Save Lynas (SMSL) organiser Tan Bun Teet, SMSL legal adviser Hon Kai Ping and SMSL secretary Chu Seng Poon infringes the right of Malaysia’s right to peaceful assembly which is enshrined in the Federal Constitution. We send our deepest solidarity to the five attendees and demand the police to withdraw immediately any form of investigation on them.
The freedom to assemble peacefully is a right enjoyed by all Malaysians, and, incidentally, it is also the same reason used by various PH politicians to defend against their unjust arrest when the former BN government has gained the notorious reputation of detaining or charging peaceful protesters. The PH government has seemingly forgotten the right they were espousing strongly before this, and even PH state backbenchers are not spared from such meaningless investigations after the transition of power.
The latest decision on renewing the operating license of Lynas plant has indeed infuriated many Malaysians, especially the people of Kuantan, for going against a very consequential electoral promise made by PH. The latest poll conducted by The Oriental Daily and 988 radio station also shows that more than 90% of Malaysians do not support the further renewal of the Lynas plant’s license. Therefore, it is perfectly justifiable and morally legitimate for Malaysians to protest against a newly elected government’s broken promise. Some Agora’s members which were present during the rally could testify it was a protest that is as peaceful as a protest could be and its participants ranged from the elderlies to toddlers. Furthermore, it was held in a family friendly park. There is absolutely no reason to question the five persons for not having a peaceful assembly unless the government or police real intention was to stifle political dissent.
The organisers have also cooperated and fully complied with the regulations set forth by the Peaceful Assembly Act (PAA) 2012 by notifying the police 18 days before the protest – the PAA stipulates that the rally organisers need to inform the police 10 days in advance. However, the police’s pretext for investigating the 5 persons were the alleged failure to obtain permission from Majlis Perbandaran Kuantan (MPK) for the use of the Taman Gelora Park. Yet, SMSL organisers have at numerous occasions stressed that they have twice requested approval from MPK 21 days before the event but it was first rejected and subsequently ignored. Therefore, SMSL organisers were left with no choice but to proceed with the rally. Instead of investigating the organisers, the police should turn their attention toward MPK for failing to respond to the request of the organisers.
Agora Society would also like to take this opportunity to question the opposition parties BN, and especially MCA’s stance on this matter. Since MPK is still under the control of BN, there is no ground for MPK to not approve the use of Taman Gelora Park unless MPK aims to deter political dissent and is supportive of the license renewal of Lynas plant. If the latter were true, we question the sincerity of MCA’s latest stance on criticizing PH for flip-flopping on the Lynas plant issue, for they are equally complicit of not practicing what they preach.
Most of all, the buck stops at the federal government for ending this investigation and assuring future protesters could safely exercise their right to assemble. Agora society wishes to remind PH that the electoral support they have amassed which enabled them to form a government were no less derived from the series of political rallies which the public so enthusiastically supported despite the arrest threat from BN government. The amended Peaceful Assembly Act was not perfect yet it is an improvement for defending the right to assemble but investigations of this nature would render Malaysians once again feeling doubtful about the reform commitments of the PH government.
Finally, any form of political dissents would only increase if the government continues to blame the previous administration for its incompetency and not committed to fulfilling its promises while busying itself with petty politicking.
PH government should do well to remember on ceasing any means of stifling political dissent and instead focusing on fulfilling all that which has been promised to the people.
Agora Society Malaysia




Monday, July 8, 2019

Agora Society Condemns Police’s Actions Towards Hong Kong Protest’s Malaysian Supporters

Press Statement by Agora Society on 7 July 2019 in Kuala Lumpur
Agora Society is gravely disappointed and condemns police actions taken against The Kuala Lumpur and Selangor Chinese Assembly Hall - Youth Section (KLSCAH Youth) Chief, Siah Kwong Liang and the outgoing Universiti Malaya Association of New Youth (UMANY) President, Wong Yan Ke and others, for organizing or supporting events related to the recent Hong Kong’s anti-extradition to China movement in Malaysia. Agora Society is shocked such political intimidation is still happening in the purportedly ‘New Malaysia’, and we condemn the police for taking unnecessary actions in an attempt to stifle or deter peaceful political rallies.

The “No Retreat! In Solidarity with Hong Kong” participatory performance art rally and “Your One Country, My Two System” public forum took place on 16th of June and 19th of June respectively were both held in a peaceful manner. The former is an assembly that has strictly adhered the principle of peaceful assembly and was held under the watchful eyesof the police force, while the latter is a public forum co-organized by the KLSCAH Youth and Agora Society which was primarily held for the public to exchange their ideas and views regarding the recent Hong Kong’s protest.

Yet, Wong Yan Ke as a fellow participant of the 16th of June rally and Siah Kwong Liang as a representative of KLSCAH Youth were summoned to the police and subsequently questioned and intimidated by the Malaysian Special Branch with threats such as: ‘we have the power to disband your society’, ‘we can stop you from graduating and get a job’ and ‘I could transfer RM2 million into UMANY‘s account and get it disbanded for receiving illicit money’ and many more. These threats are intended to create a chilling effect and to show that Malaysia is appeasing to China. Furthermore, such wild threats used by the police also exposed the fact that Malaysia’s political freedom and liberties have been eroded.

Right before the change of government, Malaysia’s very own BERSIH and REFORMASI movements have been largely cheered and supported by pro-democracy civil societies all around the world, including Hong Kong and its support was very much welcomed by the Pakatan Harapan (PH) politicians when they were still in opposition. However there is now an air of silence within the PH coalition when most of the ordinary Hong Kong citizens were voicing the same demands against the Hong Kong authorities. Moreover, some of the Malaysian supporters of the Hong Kong’s protest were even accused of meddling in China’s affairs. Therefore, it is questionable that the PH coalition are really committed to the ideals of democracy and human rights, or rather China’s interest trumps everything else in the eyes of the new government?

Political intimidation is by no means a new feature in Malaysia as the past Malaysia’s government under UMNO’s Mahathir, Najib and Abdullah Badawi were fond of using oppressive means to intimidate political dissidents to solidify their rule. This is why it is regrettable to witness the same old political intimidation under the ostensibly more progressive PH government, and even cabinet ministers are by no means innocent. In just a period in one week, Malaysians have witnessed how the Minister of Science, Technology, Environment and Climate Change, Yeo Bee Yin has threatened to resort to legal means to go after the alleged online slanderers with regards to the Pasir Gudang’s chemical gas accident. The Minister of Primary Industries, Teresa Kok, has also publicly chided International School students for having a performance to protest against oil palm plantations, and it has led to the Ministry of Education to release a statement stating that it will take appropriate action against the aforementioned school. These series of events inspire no confidence among the Malaysians that the new government is different from Barisan Nasional (BN), and Agora Society doubts that the PH government is sincere in political reform.

Lastly, Agora Society implore the police force to stop using political intimidation against any Malaysians whose political stand is different from the government and urge the Home Ministry and Special Branch to focus its time and resources to combat crime and corruption instead of curtailing the political liberties of Malaysians.

Agora Society Malaysia

* Agora Society Malaysia is a loose network of individuals who believe in the principles of democracy and good governance. More information please visit or





** 群议社是一个由知识分子、写作人和社会行动者组成的松散网络。我们的目标是通过批判性的分析和倡议,立基于民主和良好治理的原则,打造一个民主进步的马来西亚。更多资料请浏览

Joint Statement: Condemning HK police's brute force, withdraw the controversial bill

Statement on 15 June 2019

With regards to the protest by the Hong Kongs pro-democracy movement against the extradition bill which effectively authorizes the Hong Kong government to facilitate the extradition of any criminal suspects to China for trial, We, the undersigned organizations or individuals are of the view that:

1.)        The extradition bill would allow the Hong Kong government to detain and extradite anyone from countries which Hong Kong has no formal extradition treaty with – this includes Mainland China, Macau and Taiwan. We are worried that if the extradition bill were passed, it would be utilized instead to extradite any dissidents - whom are critical against the government, the Communist Party of China - for trial in China. Hong Kong peoples fear and concern are entirely legitimate and justifiable given the previous examples of mysterious and illegal extradition of the shareholder of Causeway Bay Books Michael Gui and former police officer turned human rights activist, Dong Guangping to China. Furthermore, the illegal detention of the Taiwanese NGO worker, Lee Ming-Cheh and other human rights abuses also does not convince the people of Hong Kong of their personal security if the extradition bill is passed.

2.)        Therefore, it is within the right of the Hong Kong people to demonstrate their dissatisfaction against the Hong Kong government‘s insistence of passing the bill. And it could be further argued that the Hong Kong people are merely affirming the constitutional principle of one country, two systems‖ since the potential implication of the aforementioned bill would see the China government impinging on Hong Kongs judicial system. This is why it is rather disappointing for the Chief Executive of Hong Kong, Carrie Lam and the Hong Kong police forces to call out protesters and label the protest as anorganised riot‘. We believe that such hasty, unwise and unilateral labelling is a reminiscence of the April 26 Editorial published in Peoples Daily during the height of Tiananmen Square protest which defined the latter as a destabilizing revolt. We believe that such labelling would only intensify the conflict and does not help in seeking reconciliation and compromise from both parties.

3.)        Similarly, Malaysians also had its fair share of tear gases and water canon during peaceful protests under the administration of Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamad, Abdullah Badawi and Najib Razak even though the right to assembly is enshrined under our federal constitution. Nevertheless, we are deeply touched and heartened when Hong Kong People had consistently shown support and solidarity during the few BERSIH demonstrations which we Malaysians were protesting for a clean and fair election. Yet, our historic change of government during the 9th of May 2018 has not yielded the progressive change we are hoping for. Since then, the new government led by Mahathir has not abolished nor amended any draconian and archaic laws that were used by the previous oppressive regime to silence Malaysia political dissidents. This is precisely why we can‘t help but empathize deeply with millions of patriotic Hong Kong people marching on the streets in Hong Kong to defend their human rights, and we also strongly condemn the police for retaliating against most peaceful protesters with an act of brute force.

4.)        We further suggest that the extradition bill must be amended and safeguard must be incorporated to prevent any human rights abuses. Any extradition of criminal suspects in Hong Kong must first be treated fairly, subject to basic human rights and most importantly, any extradition must also go through the judiciary system of Hong Kong.

5.)        In view of the number of people attending the demonstration, the Hong Kong government should immediately withdraw the controversial extradition bill indefinitely. It is imperative that any future extradition bill of the similar ilk must adhere to the principle of
‗one country, two systems‘ and the freedom it subsequently entails which was promised by the China government to the Hong Kong people during 1997.

Endorsement / 聯署
Organisation / 團體:
群議社 Agora Society
業餘者 Amateur
當今峇南 Baramkini
學樂書苑 Happy Learning Books
之間文化實驗室 In Between Cultura
柔南黄色行动小组 Johor Yellow Flame
Malaysia Christian for Justice
净选盟母亲团 Mama Bersih
雪隆社区关怀协会 Per. Komuniti Prihatin Sel &KL
共思社 Ruang Kongsi
Individual / 個人:
曾穎謙 Chan Ying Qian
曾慧玲 Cheng Fui Lien
周小芳 Chew Siew Fong
Chong Yee Chin
張玉珊 Chong Yee Shan
朱进佳 Choo Chon Kai
廖偉翰 David Liew
王慧仪 Heng Hui Yi
许中志 Khow Tong Chee
李成钢 Lee Chen Kang
李惠森 Lee Fui Shen
廖诗弦 Liow Sze Xian
廖永立 Liow Yeong Lih
黄诗颢 Ng Shy Huh
Ng Yi Qi
王振威 Sherab Wong
苏淑桦 Soh Sook Hwa
陳衫豪 Tan Chin How
卓振宏 Toh Chin Hong
邓婉晴 Tung Wan Qing
侯雯詩 Vincy How
黃漢初 Wong Han Choo
葉秀晴 Yip Sau Kam

* Agora Society Malaysia is a loose network of individuals who believe in the principles of
democracy and good governance. More information please visit or